West Virginia Co. Sheriff Patches - NOT FOR TRADE OR SALE!

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Pocahontas Sheriff Dept. - new condition

Pocahontas Sheriff Dept. - new condition

Preston Sheriff Dept. - new condition

Preston Sheriff Dept. - worn during the 1990s -? - used condition

Preston Sheriff Court Services Officer - new conditio

Putnam Co. Sheriffs Dept. - worn during the 1990s -? - new condition

Putnam Co. Sheriff Dept. - new condition

Putnam Sheriff Dept. - worn during the 1990s -? - new condition

Putnam Co. Sheriffs Dept. - new condition

Putnam Co. Sheriff Dept. - new condition

Putnam County Drug Task Force - new condition - The Drug Task Force is comprised of federal, state, county and municipal officers. The mission of the task force is to identify and prosecute drug trafficking organizations (DTOs) and assist law enforcement with violent crimes to the extent possible. The Task Force is charged with identifying and prosecuting low-level drug traffickers in Putnam County.

Putnam Co. Sheriff - Corrections - new condition - the Sheriff has responsibility for administration of the jail and custody of the inmates.

Putnam Co. Sheriff - new condition

Raleigh Sheriff Dept. - new condition

Raleigh Sheriff Dept. - used condition

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