MN Patches

Minnesota Co. Sheriff Patches - complete - NOT FOR TRADE OR SALE!

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McLeod Co. Sheriff - green - new condition

McLeod Co. Sheriff - K9 Unit - new condition

McLeod Co. Sheriff - pink - new condition

Meeker Co. Sheriffs Dept. - new condition

Meeker Co. Sheriffs Dept. - new condition

Meeker Co. Sheriff - worn during the 1990s -? - new condition

Meeker Co. Sheriff - Canine Unit - new condition

Meeker Co. Sheriff - Mounted Posse - new condition

Meeker Co. Sheriff - new condition

Meeker Co. Reserve Deputy - new condition - The Reserve Organization was formed in 1977. A Reserve Officer does not have full powers of arrest or authorization to carry a firearm while on duty. Mmembers may be paid for various functions, typically, when functioning outside Meeker County or when alcohol is involved. Reserves members are asked to volunteer 8 hours a month of ride/patrol time with the Meeker County Sheriff’s Deputies. Reserves assist deputies during traffic stops, providing traffic control at an accident scene, conducting security checks, and any other assistance that is needed or required.

Mille Lacs Co. Sheriffs Dept. - half moon - new condition

Mille Lacs Co. Deputy - new condition

Mille Lacs Office of the Sheriff - worn during the 1990s -? - new condition

Minnesota Sheriffs Cadet - new condition

Morrision Co. Sheriffs Dept. - used condition

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