MI Patches

Michigan Co. Sheriff Patches - complete - NOT FOR TRADE OR SALE!

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Newaygo Co. Sheriffs Posse - new condition

Newaygo Co. Sheriff Dept. - worn during the 1990s - new condition

Newaygo Co. Sheriff - Mounted Div. - new condition - This unit can be used for crowd control at events as well as search and rescue operations and provides the incident commander with a good overview of the crowd or the growing area. The mounted patrol is also in demand for parades and ceremonies.

Oakland Co. Sheriff Dept. - new condition

Oakland Co. Sheriff Dept. - new condition

Oakland Co. Sheriff Dept. - new condition

Oakland Co. Sheriff Dept. - worn during the 1990s - used condition

Oakland Co. Sheriff Dept. - new condition

Oakland Co. Sheriff Dept - Reserve - new condition - The reserve unit have all attended a reserve academy that allows them to work alongside full-time sheriff's office personnel. The reserve officers perform more than 20,000 hours annually to assist the Sheriff's Office in a variety of duties.

Oakland Co. Sheriff Dept. - Circuit Court - new condition

Oakland Co. Sheriff Dept. - Mounted Div. - new condition - The Mounted Division was established in 1948. The mounted unit consists of part-time deputies who provide their own horses and are used at parades and special events throughout the district. The Mounted Unit assists the Parks Unit in providing law enforcement services in several parks.

Oakland Co. Sheriffs Dept. - Mounted Div - new condition - The Mounted Division was established in 1948. The mounted unit consists of part-time deputies who provide their own horses and are used at parades and special events throughout the district. The Mounted Unit assists the Parks Unit in providing law enforcement services in several parks.

Oakland Co. Sheriff Dept. - Mounted Div. - new condition - The Mounted Division was established in 1948. The mounted unit consists of part-time deputies who provide their own horses and are used at parades and special events throughout the district. The Mounted Unit assists the Parks Unit in providing law enforcement services in several parks.

Oakland Co. Sheriffs Dept. - Honor Guard - new condition - The Honor Guard represents the sheriff's office at parades, ceremonies and special events.

Oakland Co. Sheriffs Honor Guard - new condition - The Honor Guard represents the sheriff's office at parades, ceremonies and special events.

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