Kansas Co. Sheriff Patches - NOT FOR TRADE OR SALE!

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Rice Co. Sheriffs Dept. - new condition

Riley Co. Sheriff Dept. - used condition - worn in the 1960-1970s - before Riley County merged the police departments within the County.

Riley Sheriff Dept. - used condition - worn in the 1960-1970s - before Riley County merged the police departments within the County.

Riley Co. Police - worn during the 1990s -? - new condition

Rooks Co. Sheriffs Dept. - used condition

Rooks Co. Sheriffs Dept. - worn during the 1990s -? - new condition

Rush Co. Sheriff - worn during the 1990s -? - new condition

Russell Co. Sheriff - used condition - The Russell County Sheriff’s Office was established in 1872, and started out as a one room jail. C. W. Ingersoll as the first Sheriff.

Russell Co. Sheriff - EMS - new condition - This unit was designed as a rapid response unit to provide rapid and effective medical care in rural areas.

Russell Co. Sheriffs Dept. - new condition - The SO was established in 1872 and is comprised of three main divisions: Patrol, Corrections, and Administrative. The Patrol division has three subdivisions that include Wilson Lake patrol, Courthouse Security, and a Special Operations Group (S.O.G.).

Russell Co. Sheriffs Dept. - worn during the 1990s -? - new condition

Russell Co. Sheriffs Office - new condition

Russell Co. Sheriff - Special Operations Group - new condition

Saline Co. Sheriffs Dept. - new condition

Saline Co. Sheriff - new condition

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