Indiana Co. Sheriff Patches - NOT FOR TRADE OR SALE!

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Indiana Sheriff - bp - new condition

Indiana Sheriff Dept. - hat patch - new condition

Indiana Sheriff Dept. - Jail Officer - new condition

Indiana Special Deputy Sheriff - new condition - The sheriff may appoint any person employed by a state agency or by a private employer as a special deputy, provided that the nature of the employment requires that the person have the powers of a law enforcement officer. As long as the special deputy performs the specific duties, a special deputy shall have the powers, rights, and duties of a police officer of the county under this chapter, subject to any written limitations and specific requirements imposed by the sheriff and signed by the special deputy. A special deputy shall be subject to the direction of the sheriff and shall obey the rules and orders of the department. A special deputy may be dismissed by the sheriff at any time without notice and without cause.

Jackson Co. Sheriff Dept. - used condition

Jackson Co. Sheriff - worn during the 1990s -? - new condition

Jackson Co. Rerserve Deputy - new condition

Jackson Co. Sheriff Reserve - new condition - Reserve Deputy Sheriffs are members of the community who volunteer their time and services to assist the Sheriff's Department when needed. Reserve deputies perform the same patrol duties as full-time deputies.

Jackson Co. Sheriffs Posse - new condition

Jasper Co. Sheriff Dept. - new condition

Jay Co. Police - worn during the 1990s - new condition

Jay Co. Sheriffs Office - new condition

Jay Co. Sheriffs Office - new condition

Jefferson Co. Sheriff Dept. - new condition

Jefferson Co. Sheriffs Dept. - worn during the 1990s -? - new condition

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