Colorado Co. Sheriff Patches - NOT FOR TRADE OR SALE!

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Mesa Co. Sheriffs Dept. - worn during the 1990s - Present - new condition

Mesa Co. Sheriffs Dept. - used condition

Mesa Co. Sheriff - new condition

Mesa Co. Sheriff - Deputy - bp - new condition

Mesa Co. Sheriffs Office - bp - current style - used condition

Mineral Co. Sheriff - new condition

Mineral Co. Sheriff - worn during the 1990s -? - new condition

Moffat Co. Sheriffs Dept. - new condition

Moffat Co. Sheriffs Dept. - new condition

Moffat Co. Sheriff - new condition

Montezuma Co. Sheriffs Dept. - adopted in 1968 and until 1988 - new condition

Montezuma Co. Sheriff - adopted in 1988 and worn until 2008 - new condition

Montezuma Co. Sheriff - worn since 1988 until 2008 - new condition

Montezuma Co. Sheriff K9 - adopted in 2008 - new condition

Montrose Co. Sheriffs Dept. - new condition

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