California Co. Sheriff Patches - complete - NOT FOR TRADE OR SALE!

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San Bernardino Co. Sheriff - breast cancer awareness - new condition

San Bernardino Co. Sheriff - Autism Awareness- new condition

San Bernardino Co. Reserve Sheriff - est. July 1950 - new condition - The primary mission of a Reserve Deputy is to supplement LE functions at the division level of the department. Reserve Deputy Sheriffs, while on duty, are regarded by the department, and the community, as equal in authority and responsibility with regular deputies and as such are required to meet the same expectations.

San Bernardino Co. Office of Public Safety - new condition

San Bernardino Co. Sheriffs Dept. - Neighborhood Watch Program - new condition - Members of the Neighborhood Watch are neighbors who pay special attention to each other's houses in order to prevent crime.

San Bernardino Co. Sheriff - Academy Trainee - used condition - Incumbents are expected to successfully complete the Training Academy. Upon graduation, Sheriff's Trainees will be promoted to Deputy Sheriff

San Bernardino Co. Sheriffs Training Academy - bp - new condition - Established in 1971, the Frank Bland Regional Training Center provides essential law enforcement training to sheriffs and police officers throughout the state.

San Bernardino Co. Sheriff - Cave Rescue - new condition - The Cave & Technical Rescue Team is composed of unpaid professional rescuers who serve under the auspices of the San Bernardino County Sheriff.

San Bernardino Co. Sheriff - Mounted Posse - Barstow - new condition

San Bernardino Co. Sheriff - SMASH - new condition - SMASH is a gang sweep team that works with other agencies within San Bernardino County.

San Bernardino Co. Sherif - Aero Squadron - new condition - The mission of the Aero Squadron is to assist the San Bernardino Co. Sheriff's Department by providing air support to San Bernardino Co. law enforcement and other agencies which may require aviation resources to complete their tasks.

San Bernardino Co. Sheriffs Office - Special Enforcement Team - new condition - The SED is comprised of specially trained personnel who cover a range of specific enforcement areas. Personnel are organized into several teams and task forces to provide enforcement in disciplines requiring training and equipment not available to patrol deputies.

San Bernardino Co. Deputy Sheriff - sub - bp - new condition

San Bernardino Co. Sheriff - Citizen Patrol - used condition - Citizen volunteer units are deployed throughout the county to assist the sheriff's office in meeting LE objectives in normal service operations and during disasters and emergencies. The program promotes community support and understanding of law enforcement through participation in volunteer units.

San Bernardino Co. Deouty Sheriff - bp - new condition

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