Idaho Co. Sheriff Patches - NOT FOR TRADE OR SALE!

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Custer Co. Sheriff - 8th patch - worn 1999 - current - new condition

Elmore Co. Sheriff - new condition

Elmore Co. Sheriff Dept. 3rd patch - worn 1977 until 2001 - new condition

Elmore Co. Sheriff - new condition

Franklin Co. Sheriffs Dept. - 1st patch - worn 1967 until 1978 - new condition

Franklin Co. Sheriffs Dept. - new condition

Franklin Co. Sheriffs Dept. - 2nd patch - worn 1978 - Present - new condition

Franklin Co. Sheriff - Task Force - new conditon - FAKE!

Fremont Co. Sheriff - 6th patch - worn 2004 - Present - new condition

Fremont Co. Sheriffs Dept. - 2nd patch - worn 1977 to 1985 - use condition

Fremont Co. Sheriffs Dept. - 3rd patch - worn 1992 until 1998 - new condition

Gem Co. Deputy Sheriff - os - new condition

Gem Co. Sheriffs Posse - new condition - The Posse is a volunteer organization which provides emergency support, assistance, community service, and SAR as directed by the Governor of the State of Idaho, Sheriff of Gem County, State of Idaho, or any and all duly qualified LE agencies. Members assist in emergency search rescue efforts, traffic control, and other activities requested by LE agencies thru request from the sheriff.

Gem Co. Sheriffs Dept. - 3rd patch - worn 1993 until 2009 - new condition

Gooding Co. Sheriff - 5th patch - worn 1997 - Present - new condition

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